Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Rails Development Tips part-2

  • Use database indexes to speed up queries. Rails only indexes primary keys, so you’ll have to find the spots that need more attention.
  • Profile your code. The ruby-prof gem and plugin helped me make an application three times faster with only minimal changes to the code.
  • Minimize graphic-related dependencies. If your application only needs to make a few thumbnails, don’t waste memory by importing large graphics libraries. Look at mini-magick or image_science for lightweight thumbnailing.
  • Avoid excessive repeated rendering of small partials.
  • Use CSS instead of inline tags to apply selective styling.
  • Don’t use ActiveRecord’s serialize option to store large objects in database fields.
  • Use attr_protected :fieldname in models to keep database fields from being manipulated from forms (or from any calls to Model.update_attributes(params[:model])).
  • Use Ruby classes and inheritance to refactor repeated controller code.
  • Use unobtrusive Javascripting techniques to separate behavior from markup.
  • Package self-sufficient classes and modules as plugins or RubyGems.
  • Cache frequently accessed data and rendered content where possible.
  • Write custom Test::Unit assertions or rSpec matchers to help with debugging test suite errors.
  • Rotate the Rails and Mongrel logfiles using the logrotate daemon on Linux.
  • Build a reliable backup system.
  • Automate deployment and maintenance with Capistrano or Vlad.
  • Keep method bodies short. If a method is more than 10 lines long, it’s time to break it down and refactor.
  • Run flog to determine overly complex methods and clases.
  • Don’t use too many conditionals. Take advantage of case statements and Ruby objects to filter instead of multiply-nested if statements.
  • Don’t be too clever. Ruby has great metaprogramming features, but they are easy to overuse (such as eval and method_missing).
  • Become familiar with the most popular plugins. Instead of re-implementing the wheel, save yourself some time by using well tested, popular plugins
source :

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