Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Ruby: Floating point round off

my method of doing this as

def round(float, decimal_places) # By Jagan Reddy
exponent = decimal_places + 2
@float = float*(10**exponent)
@float = @float.round
@float = @float / (10.0**exponent)

In short we can also do this way
class Float
def round_to(i)
(self * 10**i).round.to_f / 10**i
value = 1328.3337

Friday, July 11, 2008

New AJAX google api rails plugin coming soon

Check this link for sample google ajax rails helper modules ...

Error can't dump anonymous class Class (apatana studio)

The system has a mainDocument model with different subclasses for different types of documents.
With the code below, if I attempt to create a Document, it works fine, but
if I attempt to use one of the subclasses, I get the error:

can't dump anonymous class Class

With an Application Trace of:

C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/yaml/rubytypes.rb:6:in `to_yaml'

When i started using aptana studio (radrails) 1.1.6 etc.. i got this error.

I searched all over the net for rails or ruby error list for this kind.. i could not find this problem any where.

But it solved when stopped apatana from dubugging mode to regular mode.

I dont know why but it works me fine afterwards.

please put your comments if u find any other soultion